Tuesday, 20 February 2007

I woke up this morning and I almost felt down because I remembered a pair of Adidas Skate I had seen yesterday and which I couldn't afford! The lession: fashion makes us sad. Anyway, the morning started to look brighter after I accidentally listened to Michael Jackson's Don't Stop Til You Get Enough. I didn't even remember how great of a track that is. Amazing stuff. Now I'm not going to upload that track because everyone should already have it :D

Now the previous didn't have anything at all to do with Surkin, one of my favourite artists right now. He's from Paris (surprise) and you've at least heard his massive hit, Radio Fireworks. Now I'll promise this dude is going to be huge, because he really has his own style that does work. And yeah, he's the geeky boy in the first picture :D

Now here's a track I've been very excited about during the last month or so, it's Surkin's remix of Para-One's Midnight Swim. If you don't already have it, get it now:

Para One - Midnight Swim (Surkin Drowning Mix)(zshare, 128kbps)

Buy Michael Jackson's Off The Wall
Blogger Charles-Edouard said...
I do agree.
Surkin and SebastiAn are the new artists.